Following spectacular growth over last years, e‑commerce is becoming a key platform for consumers. However, seizures of counterfeits from e‑commerce purchases represent the majority of all counterfeit seizures. 56% of custom seizures at EU borders involve e-commerce.
COVID‑19 has intensified the problem with criminal networks reacting very quickly to the crisis and adapting their strategies to take advantage of the shifting landscape.
The Executive Director of the EUIPO, Christian Archambeau, said: ‘E-commerce has enhanced consumer choice, and offered businesses new, flexible ways of market access. At the same time, there is ample evidence that the online environment has also attracted bad actors, who pollute e-commerce distribution channels with fakes. The EUIPO is working hand in hand with a number of e-commerce marketplaces, right holders and institutional partners to help tackle online infringements of intellectual property rights.’